3 Tools For Being Intentional In 2016

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Maybe it’s just me, but doesn’t it seem like 2016 is the year of the no “New Years Resolutions.”  All over the internet and other media outlets, I can’t even count how many times I’ve read some variation of how people have finally sworn off making the annual declaration, that is usually short lived and ends with merely falling right back into the habits that preceded the New Year, before the month of January is even out.

On one hand, I too am totally over the whole resolution thing and have been for many years now however; I’m real clear that we still have to be intentional about establishing goals and then setting out to create a plan of action to get them accomplished.  Yet reading many of the beautifully crafted blog post and articles hashtagged  #goals | #2016 | #NewYearNewYou I will admit, I began feeling a bit intimidated.  I hadn’t thought out just what I wanted to work toward for the New Year and as a result, I had no concrete goals figured out and was in no way interested in making something up, just because.  I mean really, what good would that do?

Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6

Between the combination of the whirlwind of an end to 2015, and my Rise2Forty goals set back in the fall as I approach my 40th birthday this coming October,  I hadn’t taken the time to truly reflect and/or do a self check-in to assess the next steps for 2016.  The more New Years posts that I read, the more overwhelmed that I became.  Interestingly, it wasn’t from an envious perspective, but it was indeed because I couldn’t figure out was preventing me from tapping into what I needed to be doing.

Am I alone? Have you ever felt like you were suppose to be doing a very legitimate task and then, nothing……you just draw a blank.  I was like oh no, this can’t be the start of my New Year as there are concrete things that I want to do, have in the making and plan to accomplish.  In my frustration I checked out and for a while, I stopped trying and sort of blocked out the notion of needing a New Year plan of action.

Taking to some of my favorite blogs and just playing catch up since I had some down time, it being the holidays and all.  I repeatedly read about and received this message of a word of the year, which really got me to thinking | praying | and meditating on what this meant.  How different would working toward living out a single word in every aspect of my life be.  As women, we’ve become way too comfortable with over-extending ourselves and calling it productive or handling business.  It came to me that somehow 2016 wasn’t going to be about more doing at all, but about deepening and strengthening what already is; being intentional.

2015 was a big year for me, getting out of my comfort zone resulted in plenty of hard work in both my professional and personal life.  Many of those results have not reached its full fruition and need further development.  Does that mean that I’m stagnant and not doing my part; absolutely not! I means that I choose to work smarter and not necessarily  harder.  Tapping into resources and supports in a different kind of way, in order to grow to my best in all areas of my life and particularly the under developed areas.

“Quality is more important than quantity.  One homerun is better than two doubles” – Steve Jobs

If you’re still struggling with goal setting for 2016, please please don’t get weary.  Don’t allow yourself to feel pressured into going through the motions just because; we’re the just the first full week into the new year, there’s still time.  Would you consider adapting a word of the year?  Self awareness is far more productive than comparison.  You and your goals are exactly that; yours and worth you taking the time to develop them with care.

Be Intentional In 2016.   Spread Love, It’s The BrooKlyn Kisha Way!

Here are my top 3 (FREE), be intentional resouces in 2016: 

  1. Christine King – Word of the Year Discovery Tool
  2. My Fab Finance – 2016 Live Richer MyFabFinance Goal Sheet
  3. The Cubicle Chick – Productivity Apps That Will Help You Conquer 2016
OWN 2016

OWN 2016



Not a "Mommy Blogger" but a Mom that Blogs!

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