Black Is Indeed, Beautiful!

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Kuu Photography by Sabrina Thompson

Kuu Photography by Sabrina Thompson

As a mom of three beautiful black children,  I make an intentional effort to instill a sense of pride in their history, culture and race within them regularly.  We have candid conversations about how even in 2013 society still makes attempts to marginalize them because of their ethnicity.  Everyday they go out into a world that still tries project inferiority upon them by putting them in a box, through it’s over representation of negative stereotypes of black people.  There are plenty of positive youth and role models that exist within the African-American community that are not just on television but tangibly within their own reach. Some have, but many won’t ever make the news or the papers however; live amazingly as African-Americans – Black Is Indeed Beautiful!

I was both refreshed and proud when I was first introduced to the work of Sabrina Thompson of KUU Photography.  Back in February of 2012, she made a Black History month video featuring the EBC Youth Leaders of Emmanuel, which is the youth ministry of my church and it included my son.  I was totally awed at how she captured their stories.

Sabrina Thompson went on to create The Social Series, which she describes as “a series of responsible online campaigns that promote positive images.  KUU photography’s owner, Sabrina Thompson, seeks your help to flood cyberspace with positive images of humans by reposting each campaign to your personal, Facebook and other social media networks.”

These videos will surely move you.  Please share all over your social networks and use as conversation starters within your circles. Kudos and THANK YOU to Sabrina Thompson for using her gifts to create this platform of positive imagery!

Spread Love, It’s the BrooKlyn Kisha Way

The SOCIAL SERIES: Fatherhood is… from Sabrina Thompson on Vimeo.


THE SOCIAL SERIES: MARRIAGE is… from Sabrina Thompson on Vimeo.

THE SOCIAL SERIES: FASHION is…. from Sabrina Thompson on Vimeo.


Not a "Mommy Blogger" but a Mom that Blogs!

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