Charter -V- Traditional Public Schools

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Even as I penned the title of this post, it comes across as divisive.  If you’ve been anywhere around NYC for the last couple of years, then you have been privy to the heated debates that ensues at the mere mention of charter schools. While charter schools are public schools, they’ve been publicly put up against traditional public schools when at the end of the day, all parents want for their children is for them to receive a quality education.

Since the rise of public charter schools,  like all other schools, some have done better than others.  It’s no secret that nationally, education and the lack of quality options is a systemic issue that our local to federal leaders have been trying to address. Here in NYC I think one of if not the biggest issue that many have with the growth of charter schools is the idea of unequal funding.  Whether you agree or disagree with the charter funding talk, one thing or should I say one person who has been become synonymous with all things positive and less favorable about all things charter is Eva Moskowitz.

In a recent DNAinfo New York article, Ms. Moskowitz is accused of receiving preferential treatment from the DOE which has allowed her Success Academy chain to co-locate throughout NYC school buildings, rent free (and say they have the emails to prove it).  The Bloomberg administration has also been accused of working on “speedy move-ins” for the Success schools as Mayor elect De Blasio has publicly made it clear that charters will lose its favorable status at Tweed come January 1st when he takes office.

Spread Love, It’s the BrooKlyn Kisha Way!

For more information on Education news and resources check out:

Gotham Schools

NYC Coalition for Educational Justice (Parent led Organizing Movement and on De Blasio’s transition team)

Charter Parent Advocacy Network (CPAN)

National Association for the Education of African American Children with Learning Differences (AACLD)

Education Justice



Not a "Mommy Blogger" but a Mom that Blogs!

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