Cyber Monday Deal!

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You all know I’ve been transitioning to natural hair since August.  In my quest to learn how to care for my hair and better care for my daughter’s hair, I’ve been on information overload.  From YouTube to blogs to naturalista events, and everything in between, I have been immersed into all things hair

In my search, one of the most informative resources I came across and still refer to is the e-book entitled “Grow It Kinky“.  This book is inexpensive and covers from soup to nuts in understanding black hair.

Today’s  Cyber Monday Deal, the book is only $5 and I totally recommend it! To purchase the book, you can scroll down from my home page and click on the Grow It Kinky picture.  Don’t say I didn’t tell you!

Spread Love, It’s The BrooKlyn Kisha Way!

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Not a "Mommy Blogger" but a Mom that Blogs!

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