Fall Bucket List
Having settled into our first full week of the fall season, although I’m a summer girl, I must admit that this is one of the most beautiful times of year. I don’t know a single person that can’t appreciate the sight of the fall foliage and the, ‘just enough’ remnants of the summer sunny skies to prevent a serious case of S.A.D. It’s also the season that is so much more than the commercial pumpkin frenzy (which I must say jump started much earlier this year).
At this final quarter of the year, fall is yet the perfect time to do a goal check-in, as well as set the tone for how you’re going to round out the year. If you’re a parent, your children are at the point of settling into the school year, and New York has tons of great things to enjoy for both family and grown up time for the fall season. My family and I get out and really enjoy this time of year because; just as we were sad to wave good but to summer we’ll be reflecting back on the great outdoors of fall come the winter. Tried and true here’s a few of my top things to do for the fall season.
New York has such amazing options for orchards, which many of them include hay rides, pumpkin picking, mazes and plenty of other fun outdoor activities for the entire family. It’s an annual tradition that never gets old. While there, we fill up on apple donuts and plenty of hot apple cider. Thing is, if you want to pick your own apples, check to see the ripening schedule to ensure that you get some of your favorites. My suggestion: go by Columbus day weekend! Even if you don’t indulge, winery’s have plenty to offer other than wine! The drive, good conversation and the over experience is definitely worth it. Many of the NYS Winery’s have all sorts of fun activities, live music, delicious food and are even child friendly.After all of the summer brunch and vacation shenanigans, there is defiantly something invigorating about getting outdoors in the crisp air that the fall season brings. Fall exercise can serve as the pre-holiday fitness plan, as you already know how it goes down from Thanksgiving through the New Year no matter how much you plan to do everything in moderation.
Set New GoalsWhy not create a fall to-do list? Whether personal or professional, it totally make sense to look back over the year and assess what has worked and what hasn’t. You can develop a plan of action and begin to implement changes so that by the time New Years comes around, you are in a good place having already made great strides toward accomplishments. Intentional, ongoing goal setting keeps you operating outside of your comfort zone, pushing and challenging yourself to living out your purpose. Quite simply, setting fall goals appear less intimidating to look than annual ones.
Throw all of those antiquated fashion rules out of the window and stretch that summer wardrobe! One of the things that I love most about fall fashion is that you can walk down a NYC street and spot two people who look like totally different seasons. While some are not trying to let go of summer, others are dying to wear their super cute and ultra comfortable clothes.
With fall, comes two of my most favorite events; both my Blogaversary and Birthday. October is the month that I was born and the month that Spread Love, It’s the BrooKlyn Kisha Way was born. For those that know me, can tell you, the count down to my birthday begins on October 1st and it’s always filled with exciting things to do. Looking back at the evolution of this platform despite its ups and downs, this blog has blessed me in ways that I couldn’t have even imagined. I’m looking forward to all that’s ahead.
So don’t just read this post; get your Fall Bucket List started!
PatrickandMelissa Giles
Thursday, October 01, 2015 at 10:50 am
Thanks Kisha (lulu) I’m getting my fall bucket list together today…
Thursday, October 01, 2015 at 5:24 pm
Way to go Missy, I can’t wait to see the selfies!!!
Keisha || The Girl Next Door is Black
Friday, October 02, 2015 at 7:03 pm
What a fun post. Fall is my favorite season, second to spring (*my* birthday time
), so I am happy October is here! I have never been apple picking, but I’ve always wanted to go. It’s definitely on my list.
Sunday, October 04, 2015 at 12:52 pm
Hi Keisha!
You have to try to get to an orchard. I’m always amazed by how many adults I see apple picking without any children. Makes for a great picnic.