Getting Out of My Own Way

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There’s something to be said of being obedient to the nudge of God. I don’t know how many sermons I’ve heard about hearing from God and more often than not we hear from God, but then doubt his voice and refuse to do what he’s telling us to do.  Although we claim to have faith and to know that what he has is greater than anything that we can imagine;we are still hesitant.

For this season of lent, I decided to give up my comfort zone and make it my intention to take bolder moves.  I know what those of you who know me are thinking, something along the lines of I can be as in your face as one can get. While that is true in many areas, there are some very specific areas in my life that need some tending to.

As I ended my Black History month obligations and entered into the Lenten season and Women’s history month,  I felt God tugging on me and heard him whispering to me that I was still playing it safe.  After receiving feedback from different colleagues and friends on their experiences at events that I had planned, I knew that this would be perfect timing for me to come out of my comfort zone.

Almost a year after reading one of Cassandra Mack’s books,  Grab a Girlfriend and GO I knew exactly what I was going to do.  Well maybe not exactly, but I knew that I had the book and access to some smart, dynamic and ambitious woman who wanted similar things out of life.  I simply sent an email asking if they wanted to meet on a weekly basis during lent, to just talk about our goals and interest.  Of course some declined or for whatever reasons couldn’t participate, while others were so in!

Even at the point in which we confirmed for our first meet-up, I still was apprehensive about how things were going to go, I was unsure about whether everyone would get along, literally, all kinds of crazy things came to mind.  At one point I was even going to cancel the whole thing and tell the ladies I was just too busy with work to commit, especially after my previous months obligations.

Nearly one month later, I have a group of Girlfriends that have helped me Get Out of My Own Way!  These women are supportive yet honest, and all bring such a special energy to the experience that, they have lifted and inspired me in ways that I didn’t expect. The transparency and authenticity that the group brings has helped me calm my own doubts and trust God even that much more.

While the media depicts women as adversaries and competitors, I have some new Girlfriends that have not only awakened and help restore a new sense purpose and vision in me, they’ve proven that stereotype to be wrong.

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