Giving Tuesday 2015 and I’m Supporting Chionesu Bakari, Will You?
How did this gem get past me is my immediate thought when the amazing Chionesu Bakari Program for Young Men comes to mind (Chionesu Bakari is the Swahili term for “Guiding Light of Noble Promise”). I particularly pride myself on being in the know of quality Brooklyn based programs for our children and youth. As a mother of three children, two of which are sons, I believe that I am intentional about development of my sons into strong Black men by exposing them to positive black men as role models. I don’t need to remind anyone about the negative images depicted in the media of black males in terms of the absentee fathers and/or the delinquent male youth. When there is dynamic and holistic work being done to challenge those stereotypes, I not only want to highlight their work, but I count it as a responsibility to support it as well. On this coming Tuesday (December 1st), following Black Friday and Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday allows us all the opportunity to support programs that are making a difference #Give2CB.
#GivingTuesday 2015We have a new video! Watch the latest video from #GivingTuesday and share.Also – feel free to use this when talking about #GivingTuesday to your friends and donors.
Posted by GivingTuesday on Sunday, November 22, 2015
In a time when our country is at a racial and class divide, we are witnessing our black males being murdered and beaten with little to no accountability at alarming rates, that put the segregated south in the 1960’s to shame. The naming of the school to prison pipeline and the identification of the prison industrial complex as real life, race related systematic barriers, we also realize that there is real work that needs to happen within the black community. Chionesu Bakari provides a solution.
“It’s easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” Frederick Douglass
Nestled in the East New York neighborhood of Brooklyn, housed within the St. Paul Community Baptist Church, this year Chionesu Bakari (CB) is celebrating its 10 year Anniversary, in guiding young black men. Having recently joining the CB family with my 10-year-old son and no exaggeration I’m blown away. Now I’m going to be totally honest (I jokingly call it the cult program), the program has a huge parent involvement component that is essential to the success of the development of not only my son, but our entire family unit yet; it’s just way more than I would have voluntarily signed up for considering all of our collective commitments. With that said, CB is 24 hour operation which means, there is a committed team available to your family, to aid in the development of your son and support of your entire family.
CB’s holistic approach has resulted in 100% High School graduation rates and 96% College placement, improved family relationships, improved academics and high academic achievement. Who knew this was right under our noses in Brooklyn.
During a very candid conversation with the CB program Founder/Executive Director Mr. Horace L. Moore, I asked him a few questions about the program that I wanted to share with my readers:
1. In celebrating your 10th Anniversary, what is your goal for the Chionesu Bakari program?
“My goal for CB for is to have Chionesu throughout most major cities across the country. While CB is currently in Texas, my goal is to expand the program in 2016 to both Georgia and Virginia. We have young men that currently attend our summer program who live in Ohio, Dallas and Minnesota. I also want to continue to develop the Alumni of CB to further the work of the program in a leadership role.
2. In thinking back to when CB was just a seed of an idea, to the time you began, how has the program exceeded your expectations?
“As an educator, I initially wanted to start a school; this was the time when the Eagle Academy For Young Men was getting started so I decided to develop a summer program, which is how CB began with 30 young men. Having a summer program potentially provided access to more young men. The response from parents and our community was overwhelming and they felt the program should be year-around.”
3. What has been one of your biggest challenges in expanding the work of the CB program?
“A few of the challenges of this work has been; recruiting committed people who are aligned with CB model to help expand the work, also, garnering the support and funding for CB as some people are apprehensive to support a program that is developed out of a church due to its religious affiliation, lastly, getting local elected officials to engage CB as a proactive resource for the community, as opposed to a reactive response to a problem.”
I could go on and on about all of the great accomplishments of Chionesu Bakari and how I genuinely feel that I gained a family however; I want to share with you some testimonials from a few of the parents:
CB has a made a huge impact on my son Joseph and I both. We are learning and growing as a FAMILY. This ministry is a one stop shop. Everything you need is standing/sitting right before you. – LaTasha G.
CB has given me tools that I didn’t have before. Both spiritual and practical knowledge that we need to raise young me and improve ourselves in the world today. Thank God for this program. -Rick H.
There is a saying “It Takes a Village to Raise a Child”, CB is not just a village but a family. They have provided me and countless other parents a lifeline as we raise our sons to be men in today’s society. I trust the leaders and staff with Aidan’s wellbeing and I feel that they are as invested in future as I am. -Towana P.
As a proud mother of 3 beautiful children, CB has helped me relearn in how to be a parent again! I have gotten out of my own way by surrendering and trusting God to have His way with me in supporting the vision of CB, in order to allow other men to help me raise my sons. -Millicent S.
CB is a comprehensive program. It has provided me as a step-dad with opportunities to grow with other supportive dads through their parent institute. This occurs while simultaneously equipping my step-son, Reggie with new levels of maturity through their positive life skills training that directly impacts our family’s dynamic, especially how my step-son and I relate towards each other. -Daniel R.
As the saying goes, “it takes a village to raise a child”. I thank God that CB is my village. When you find a group that only wants the best for your child and assists you in any way necessary in order to raise your child in the proper way; this is the best thing you can ever ask for. -Hycinth J.
If I can say so myself, every young man should have access to a Chionesu Bakari opportunity. Learn more about their work and organization by visiting their website. Consider supporting CB this Giving Tuesday 2015 and tell someone about their amazing work. #Give2CB
Spread Love, It’s the BrooKlyn Kisha Way!
Sunday, November 29, 2015 at 7:10 pm
Kisha – I second every motion/emotion in your blog. As an Alumni parent I’ve both watched and experienced the growth of the “work” and know for sure that Chionesu Bakari, once you “get it”, it’s not just a program, it’s a way of life ….thanks for sharing
Sunday, November 29, 2015 at 9:21 pm
Thank you for reading Paulette! I’m looking forward to nurturing our newly formed relationships with the CB family.
Keisha || The Girl Next Door is Black
Tuesday, December 01, 2015 at 4:53 pm
Sounds like a great program. We need more initiatives like this that invest in children, instead of tossing them away like lost causes.
Monday, December 07, 2015 at 1:44 am
Hi Keisha!
There are quite a few awesome programs here in NYC that really take a holistic approach to working with youth. It’s too bad they don’t get the attention they deserve.