Keeping it 100!

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Have you heard or been referred to as the term “Bougie-ghet” (Bourgeoisie + Ghetto)?  Well it’s an urban term often used when someone has higher education and employment status that is considered to  be of the professional degree.  On the flip side of that, that same person may have mannerisms and style that can blend in with the “hood” on any given day. Usually that person has triumphed through the adversities of growing up in the hood however; still has some form of a presence in an urban community through their own residence, work or family connection.

The term in itself is not necessarily negative, unless the person is identified as not Keeping it 100 %!  Being a born and raised BK girl, I can identify with this role all too well.

When I read a recent Facebook post by Cassandra Mack, entitled “Why You Should Never Snub The Pookie In Your Neighborhood” I immediately identified with her sentiments and couldn’t have said it better myself.  While it was written with Cassandra’s engaging wit, it was brutally honest.  I had to ask myself and wonder of you can too, are you Keeping it 100:


((Why You Should Never Snub The Pookie’s In Your Neighborhood))
 Every one of us no matter how classy, cultured and refined we are, know a Pookie or some variation thereof from the neighborhood. Truth be told, you might be related to one. Or perhaps you’re the Pookie in your neighborhood. Even if you rarely mix and mingle with that side of the family, each and every one of us no matter the ethnic …group or area of origin has their own rendition of a Pookie.
 In your neighborhood or family he might be known as Big Sal, Mad Dog Manuel, One-Eyed Dexter, Toothless Tony, Junebug or Make-Em-Sing Moshe, but the common denominator is he is uncouth, unabashed, and on more than one occasion has had some trouble with the law, or at the very least he’s teetering the line.
 However, if you need anything, he’s got the no-questions-asked, hook up on everything from high end clothing, and appliances to electronics. And most of all, if you are being harassed, or a group of teens steal your kid’s bike or you have a sister, niece or daughter that has a man who doesn’t know how to keep his hands to himself, Pookie is the guy you call on to handle the situation by paying them or him a one-time only, “friendly visit.”
 Not only that, if you grew up in the hood, Pookie is the guy who knows everyone in the neighborhood so the fact that you showed him love and never snubbed him goes a long way in making sure that your car is never broken into and that you know what’s going on with your teenagers when you are not around. Everybody has the ability to pay it forward, the Pookie’s in your neighborhood are no different. So the next time Pookie says good morning to you, there’s no harm in speaking back.
 While you may not want to break bread with Pookie, invite him into to your home, hang on the corner with him or even go for a ride in his car. Understandable. You don’t want to get caught up in stuff that has nothing to do with you. But, at the same time it might not be a wise move on your part to completely snub him, because there’s no harm in speaking to people in your neighborhood, especially if you keep it short and sweet by saying hi and bye as you keep it moving.
Whether Pookie’s your neighbor, somebody you work with or a member of your family, there’s no harm done in speaking to people and showing regard for those who show regard to you.
 It’s your choice to play the bougie card and look down on Pookie as if he does not exist, but as for me and my house, we will never snub Pookie because at the end of the day you never know when you’ll need to call on him. – Cassandra Mack …

This post was inspired by both Ms. Mack and the Dredator (Black man trying to make an honest living & taking care of his family) You see, he’s from the old block, and recently asked me to share his video and initially I debated with myself about doing so, wondering what my refined readers would think then figured, today I’m Keeping It 100!


Not a "Mommy Blogger" but a Mom that Blogs!


  1. Nona

    Friday, November 01, 2013 at 2:21 pm

    Great prespective….. I think at times the black community separates is self with the so call Pookies and Bougies. It’s a form of segregation. The bougies feel superior because of status education profession….I’m better than. But Pookie tends to be resilient, intelligent, resourceful, connected, protector and more often than not cares about his community and will look out for the youth. I know a bunch of Pookies and last time I check what you earn, degree, or status does not determine your self worth

    • Lakisha

      Sunday, November 03, 2013 at 7:57 pm

      Indeed Nona, being a person of integrity and character goes a long way. I think we have probably both have witnessed plenty of trifling behavior in our professional lives by the so called bougies.

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