Live Nia In Your Everyday!

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We are all purposed to do something whether you have figured out what exactly it is yet or not.  As individuals we are called to live on purpose by developing and using our skills and abilities.

Being people of African decent, we have a rich history rooted in hard work, perseverance and all around greatness. In all that we do in our everyday lives, we need to be intentional about the fact that we are to be contributors to the development our larger community.  There a very regular ways that show how to Live Nia In Your Everyday .

I attended a natural hair event by A Tribe Called Curl, entitled Kinks & Drinks.  The two expert presenters were Diane C. Bailey and Karen Tappin of Karen’s Body Beautiful.  As I was in that moment, I though to myself that these women (including the organizers) were indeed living out the Nia principle.  They were using their platform, hair knowledge and beauty products (vocation), to support and empower black women, inclusive of our permed sisters.

Black women whether married or single, have a lot of responsibility and are the backbone to just about every major event of our history.  When we take care of ourselves, we’re better equipped to be physically and spiritually able contribute to our community and make the largest impact.

How do live Nia in your Everyday? Spread Love, It’s the BrooKlyn Kisha Way!

Day Five: Purpose

Day Five: Purpose


Not a "Mommy Blogger" but a Mom that Blogs!

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