Living the Dream for 2016: NYC Top Events Honoring Dr. King

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“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

One of my favorite Dr. King quotes, as it echo’s the very mission of this platform. No matter how small you may think, everyone is able to contribute something to make the community a better place.  For some reason it is often the thought that we need some big movement and/or call to action by some prestigious leader in order to acknowledge and or recognize that we need to take ownership of remedying the ills of our community. We too often fall into this pattern of complaints without an equal amount of solutions.  Everyone is waiting for someone else to fix it.

The long weekend that celebrates Dr. King’s legacy is the perfect opportunity for us to do something that speaks to The Dream.  This weekend is about the sacrifice of his life that was paid for the very freedoms and opportunities that we as a community of color exercise today.  So, why not be intentional about how our families spend the King Holiday – day off.  

Not only is today Dr. King’s official birthday, it’s the beginning of Peace Week NYC.  Today kicks off a whole host of events that aim to educate, inspire and mobilize our community. Whether it’s attending a special ceremony or service, or participating in an actual volunteer service project, we have to remember that MLKing day is a day on not a day off!  We can’t ignore the destruction happening to our people, over 50 years since the major events of the Civil Rights Movement.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve tried to use MLKing day as a teachable opportunity with my children.  It is an unfortunate truth that in school, they will not learn nearly as much about their own history as they should or learn about others’ history.  Therefor; as parents, we have to assume the responsibility as their first educators to fill in the gaps and teach our children how they are descendants of a mighty and proud people.

Not only in Brooklyn, but all over in NYC, you can find some kind of activity to get involved in to help celebrate the birthday and commemorate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing for others?” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 

At at a lost of what to do for MLKing Day, you know your girl is gonna hook you right on up!!

Remember, Spread Love, It’s the BrooKlyn Kisha Way, is proudly: an online platform that highlights small ways to make a huge difference in Brooklyn and beyond. #spreadlovetheBKway #MLKDay2016

Celebrate a King!

Celebrate a King!


NYC Happenings for MLKing weekend: Click On Links Below

National Service: Day of Service MLK Day

Peace Week New York: Peace Week Calendar

BAM: Brooklyn Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 2016

The Riverside Church: Black Out for Human Rights Presents: #MLK Now

Senator Kevin Parker Presents A Shared Dream: Tribute & Concert

Emmanuel Baptist Church: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Service

Abyssinian Baptist Church: “Let Freedom Ring” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration

Council Member Laurie Cumbo: 2016 Community Tributes the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Young Movement, Inc. Presents: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Prayer Breakfast & Panel




Not a "Mommy Blogger" but a Mom that Blogs!


  1. Brooklyn Chef

    Sunday, January 17, 2016 at 9:25 pm

    Like you my mom taught me things about MLK as I did with mine. Great post

    • Lakisha

      Monday, January 18, 2016 at 10:01 pm

      If we don’t keep our history alive, we cannot expect anyone else to do it! Thanks for reading.

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