Moms That Rock

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Anyone who knows me, knows how much I love my children and how most of what I do is surrounded by their lives.  I take pride in being a hands on committed mom that doesn’t mind hanging out with the kids and chauffeuring them from one activity to the next event. I like many of my mommy friends are Moms that Rock!

With as fulfilling smotherhood (yeah I made the word up) can be, I have met very few moms that (even in all of her worlds greatest mom glory), doesn’t appreciate some down time.   I initially almost did a little dance when a realized that I was off on Election Day and they ALL had school!  I chuckled to myself about how the little things can bring so much joy.

Without missing a beat, I made breakfast and packed lunches like most mornings.  However on this morning, I crept back into the bed, gave my parting hugs and told everyone how much I’d miss them as they headed out.  Funny thing was they all laughed ( guess I couldn’t conceal how forward I was looking to having the house all to myself with nothing to do excitement).

My biggest decision was how I was gong to switch between Kelly & Michael and finally catch the Queen Latifah Show  while having a lazy morning, and  I guess I can say, the Queen won!

The show featured a segment called Moms Who Rock and spotlighted Claudia Asprer, a woman who has fostered over 90 children. Queen Latifah surprises her with gifts as well as some of her now adult daughters, some whom she hasn’t seen in years.  It was very compelling story and I was a teary mess as it resonated with me on so many levels. To say the least it was inspiring as that story confirms that we can all make a difference from wherever we are.

My carefree day-off, turned into a time of reflection and re-commitment on my role within my family, as a public service professional and as woman of who faith whose aim is to live out God’s purpose.

My spirit is uplifted and while I can enjoy and make full use of my alone time, I count it a blessing to have a family to love up on!

Shout to all the moms that love their children/families and the varying aspects of parenting however; not at a lost at the ‘know how’ of taking guilt-free needed me time, you are  Moms That Rock!

Be Blessed, Be a Blessing and Spread love, it’s the BrooKlyn Kisha Way

10 Decisions That Will Make You Happyier and Healthier



Not a "Mommy Blogger" but a Mom that Blogs!


  1. Tasha

    Wednesday, November 06, 2013 at 1:17 am

    AAAAAAWWWWW Doggone it Ms. Adams. I started to tear reading this POST. But you are 1000 percent right on so many levels. And no one could have said it better. Shout out to all the MOMS WHO ROCK, b/c it (indeed) is a tough JOB with no handbook. Special shout out to all the SINGLE MOMS WHO ROCK. Keep doing what you’re doing. We are all truly blessed. Gotta love our job. You know a mother’s job is NEVER done, Good Night to you all.

  2. Shamaine Parker

    Wednesday, November 06, 2013 at 4:04 am

    This goes without sayn as a mom who rock I look 4ward to my job as 1st lady n my house-hold!!!Yes time alone is needed but it’s nothing like giving ur family/children the tools they need to make it in this world!! Who can asked 4anythng more…..

  3. Lakisha

    Thursday, November 07, 2013 at 2:34 am

    There is indeed a gratification that not much can compare to when it comes to the investment into your family.

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