My Advocado Oil Challenge

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About 3 weeks ago following my bc (big chop), I set out on a  journey to enhance the overall wellness of my hair and skin.  I’m not traditionally a fan of avocado food products as they don’t tend to agree with me.  However, I discovered the many benefits of the actual oil which is high in vitamin e, fatty acids, protein and potassium.

I wanted to experience the benefits (or at least see if there were any) of adding the oil to my hair and skin regimen so I started out on My Advocado Oil Challenge!

Check out my latest video that gives you a detailed 3 week check-in of my experience.   My next step in this challenge will be to incorporate the avocado oil into some of my foods and/or cooking to and see how  it goes.

Have you used avocado oil? Thinking about an oil challenge yourself, share your thoughts!

Spread Love, It’s the BrooKlyn Kisha Way!

3 week Check-in

3 week Check-in


Not a "Mommy Blogger" but a Mom that Blogs!

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