My October Renewal

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What better way to kick-off my new year than to do a new thing!  There is something to be said when you have a circle of people around you that love you, pray for/with you and hold you accountable by not taking your lame excuses for why you stay in safe mode when you are made to be extraordinary.  I’ve been pushed, poked, loved and encourage to stop being comfortable. So now, here I am!

You see, I’m a planner by nature so I kept telling myself that I needed to read this to know more, go to that workshop for better understanding, I needed to have this in order before I could even tap into what was apparent to those around me. When you top that off with using my family as the reasonable distraction for not investing more into my true self  (sound familiar), I realized I’ve been in a busy standstill.

Without even realizing, I’ve sprung into action like someone was chasing me and it feels great! Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I was just sitting on my hands doing nothing however; I was not utilizing the gifts that have been poured into me which on a deeper level feels even worse.  Oh how grateful I am to all of those who have poured into me over the last few months.

Of all of the influences that have helped me to this season, I think the greatest of them all was learning two of my friends (under 40) had unfortunately been diagnosed with breast cancer. When I heard of their illness, all I could think about was “that could be me”.  In a matter of minutes your life could be forever changed and therefore, everyday has to be lived as if it is my last and ensuring that I do my absolute best at whatever it is God has put me here to do.  I don’t just know that intellectually, I believe it wholeheartedly!

As I approach my birthday this week I dedicate my October renewal, to both Valerie and Dawn my two breast cancer survivors; thank you for the strength you’ve shown and inspiration you’ve given me to do more, to be better.  In honor of you two ladies, I kick of my week by participating in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk on Sunday and having my baseline mammogram on Monday.  I’ve given birth to my new blog “Spread Love the BrooKlyn Kisha Way”, I started a new position and taking a post-graduate course.

Inspired, motivated and RENEWED, I’m on the grow!

VALiant & Pink Chronicles

VALiant & Pink Chronicles

For more information on breast cancer and its disparities in women of color, check out the Black Women’s Health Imperative:


Surprisingly or (not so surprisingly), this song has been speaking to me so, I wanted to share (especially this version performed in Brooklyn at the Barclay Center back in August during the MTV, VMA’s)




Not a "Mommy Blogger" but a Mom that Blogs!


  1. Adele Parker-Brown

    Monday, October 21, 2013 at 2:38 pm

    You are an awesome woman of God and I am proud to know you and to be a part of your continued growth! Don’t stop! Keep growing and following God’s lead. Love ya!

  2. Shamaine

    Monday, October 21, 2013 at 3:20 pm

    This is right up ur ally nice!!!!

  3. Bryan

    Monday, October 21, 2013 at 11:13 pm

    Go Kisha, as I wind down my birthday celebration, I too am inspired and moved by your tenacity to get things done, as well as getting it on and popin’.
    Luv ya gurl.
    Keep on keeping on…
    You keep me hyped!!!

  4. sherly

    Tuesday, October 22, 2013 at 1:20 am

    Beautiful story. You are a motivated young lady with aspirations beyond your means. So definitely go big in your advantures.

  5. Lakisha

    Tuesday, October 22, 2013 at 1:54 am

    You guys are the best! Thanks for all of your kind words and support. You’ll know how the saying goes…..I’m a work in progress lol

  6. Dawn

    Wednesday, October 23, 2013 at 9:32 am

    Sorry I’m responding so late but I got extremely sick after the walk. God has blessed you with a new journey in your life and it’s so remarkable to witness in flesh. There is nothing more inspiring then to have you as a friend while fighting this battle. It is an honor and pleasure to see that your reaching above and beyond. Don’t get comfortable my dear God has so many blessings coming your way. I can just feel. God bless your heart Keisha your a definition of a great friend.

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