National Unfriend Day

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With today being National Unfriend Day and all, it’s the guilt free day designated to clean house as it pertains to our social networking friend lists.  This “holiday” was created by Jimmy Kimmel back in 2010 which even includes a suggested list of types of people to unfriend.  While the idea was birthed in a comedic kind of way, there are some  real takeaways from the concept.

Did you take the time to “update” your Facebook friend list and/or other social media networks to reflect the kind of energy you want and the types of messages you care to read?  With the power and reach of social media, do the people who show up on our feeds impact others’ view of us?   For whatever your reason(s), if folks add no value and are not aligned with your values, you may just want to trim that friends list. Thing is, you may be the unfriended, which is not so bad either since you may not be everyone’s cup of tea.  Light can sometimes be so bright that it’s unwelcome

So, here’s your pass, go ahead and downsize ……..  Spread Love, It’s The BrooKlyn Kisha Way!

Did you downsize your friend list?

Did you downsize your friend list?



Not a "Mommy Blogger" but a Mom that Blogs!

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