No Excuses!

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Way too often I find that we make excuses for people’s bad behavior.  One of the most often used excuses and the one that gets under my skin the most is “well, you know how he/she is”.  Like because you have a track record of not so nice behavior you are given a pass.

As a result of our current place in the era of  Housewives, Basketball Wives and Love & Hip Hop, this public display of petty disputes, frienemy gossip and materialism, we’ve allowed ourselves to not only make the bad behavior acceptable, we are no longer even uncomfortable at witnessing it: something is seriously wrong with this picture.  How is it that we can identify the tearing down of each other as “keeping it real”.  By no means am I exempt, as I have been guilty of not being as good of a friend as I could (whether intentionally or not), which is why can attest that we all could stand to do better, No Excuses.

At church today, guest preacher, Rev. Dr. Leslie D. Braxton preached a sermon entitled “Dealing with Trifling and Crazy Kinfolk” and shared a powerful testimony. In that testimony he looked at the idea of addressing: resolve versus resignation.  Now we all can probably admit to having those Kinfolk but I wonder whether we look at ourselves as the Kinfolk and what we contribute to our relationships. It’s easy to justify giving ourselves a pass and recruit co-signers as well however; in order to not be comfortable in that dysfunction  we have to stop the excuses.

Never stop growing and aiming to be better.  Prayerfully the people who count will genuinely support you in your growth.  Some will take every opportunity to remind you of what and who you use to be. That’s okay too, as the only person you have the power to change is you.  Maybe they will catch-up and maybe they won’t.  Allow yourself the opportunity to reach a place of resolve and not succumb to resignation by situations and people who are beyond your control.

Be Blessed, Be a Blessing…….. No Excuses!



Not a "Mommy Blogger" but a Mom that Blogs!

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