No Shame In My Game

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We all have a story and some part of our past that we probably wish to forget or even possibly feel ashamed of.  In the current era of social media and putting on the best public face, some still may be actually going through it.

I’ve grown to realize that there is a healing for yourself and the help to someone else in your story.  Hey, I get it; I grew up knowing “what happens in the house, stays in the house” and that we don’t air our dirty laundry.  But, if I’m honest the greatest lessons are in our not so good experiences.

I’m clear that my past that has made me the person that I am today; it’s why I do what I do.  I am a product of different people at the right time seeing something in me and actually taking the time to guide me, in some way.  I not ashamed to say I grew up what is considered poor and shucks, I didn’t realize that until I was just about grown.  What I did in fact recognize early on that the people who I surrounded myself with had a huge impact on who I was which made me rich in was that would count the most.  I know that those humble beginnings are what ignited my personal drive and is the reason why I try to share information as it was something that I did not have and there is No Shame In My Game!

Not knowing is not a crime, knowing and not using it grow and to help others…..well, is up to you.   I count it a blessing to be able to be uncomfortable with doing nothing as so many did something for me.

Spread Love

Spread Love


Here’s some info to take note of for the weekend and beyond.  Spread Love, It’s the BrooKlyn Kisha Way 

Brooklyn’s McCarren Park Ice Rink Opens Today

New York Urban League HBCU Fair on Saturday

Enrichment Program Fair on Saturday

Enough_is_Enough_III_flyer – Fatherhood Rally on Sunday

The Miseducation of Farqu Taylor

Black Girls Code



Not a "Mommy Blogger" but a Mom that Blogs!

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