Ready to Rock BlogHer15
The count down has begun for my second blogger conference beginning in a few days right in my hometown, NYC! Armed with lessons learned and what felt like a semester worth of information, in such a small period a time at my first conference, I have made the most meaningful connections, began collaborations and put myself out there in ways that I would have never thought of. Better prepared, more confident and ready to take on what’s to come.
Now before I continue, I’m going to have to stick a praise right about _____ here! I am absolutely certain that God has his hand all in this, working things out for my good. Which is pretty evident considering how things are playing out as I continue to stretch myself beyond my comfort zone.
A little less than a month ago, I attended the Blogging While Brown Conference in Austin, Texas (BWBATX). The conference was founded by the Blogmother herself, Ms. Gina McCauley and is a the premier gathering of intergenerational thought leaders and content creators in social media/technology. While it may be small in size compared to some conferences, BWB is no chump as it was a powerhouse of a conference (recap coming soon). This week, compliments of BWB, I will be attending the She Know’s Media’s, BlogHer15 conference which is one of the largest and leading media company’s that continues to provides extensive opportunities to content creators.
At the time I decided to attend the BWBATX, I was faced with a dilemma of having to choose between which of the two conferences I would attend considering childcare and the travel cost associated with the trip to Austin, versus the cost of the BlogHer, Experts Among Us conference here in NYC, which ticket wise, was more expensive, but didn’t include the travel expenses. If this is not your first time reading any of my posts, you should be real clear about where I stand in terms of supporting movements that highlight, celebrate and/or support people of color. Hence to say, my decision was a given.
During BWBATX, She Knows media offered the attendees a significant discount to the BlogHer15 conference. It was at that point I figured when I returned home, I would make the decision on whether or not I would go. About 2 weeks ago the opportunity to not only attend BlogHer15 kinda fell on my lap, but to attend as an Ambassador for Blogging While Brown was a thought that I hadn’t even imagined. One of my new BWBATX blog sisters of True Grace, Love Lina tagged me in a post that was crafted just for me (even if BWB didn’t know it yet). I don’t have the number of followers as many, nor do I have the sponsor relationships as some and I still have to work a 9-5 yet; lil ole community lifestyle blogger BKKisha, will be representing at one of the largest diverse gatherings for bloggers which in itself will present limitless opportunities. I am so Ready to Rock BlogHer15!
As important as it is to surround yourself with a supportive blog community to position yourself to be in the right place at the right time; it’s equally important to be prepared and ready for opportunities when they present so that you are able to take full advantage as a produce quality outcomes. The opportunity to extend BWB reach and access to more bloggers of color is a task that I don’t take lightly. But I have to admit that the icing on the cake is the fact that I get experience a powerhouse line-up of women of color in Feminisita Jones, Vanessa De Luca – Editor in Chief of Essence magazine, founders of Black Lives Matter and Ava Duvernay – Award Winning Director of Selma. And this doesn’t even put a dent in the agenda, its sponsors and special events. Be sure to follow Blogging While Brown’s social media handles for live up to date coverage of the conference.
I consider myself a late bloomer in this social media, technological blogosphere however; steady strides toward expanding my audience and creating read worthy content is resulting in increase. No matter how long success appears to be taking or discouraging it may seem at times, faith has shown me time and time again that whats for me is for me in due time……….. see you at BlogHer15!
Spread Love, It’s the BrooKlyn Kisha Way!
Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 10:45 am
How exciting! I know you’ll rock this conference with your bright personality just as you did BWB. I wish I could go! Can’t wait to see your reports from the front lines
Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 10:50 am
Oh thank you Dara! I really feel like #BWBATX was the foundation needed to get my blogger mind right! It’s going to be one heck of a weekend with lots of the not feel good stuff you and I like to talk about.
Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 10:10 pm
You better go girl! And you better allow God to use you all day in every way! I am proud of you and wish you all the success that hard work and determination brings. #nothing#but#blessed
Wednesday, July 22, 2015 at 4:04 am
Calandra, thanks for your kind words and ongoing support. You are light!