She Overcomes

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From the moment I hit the publish on my very first post nearly  two years ago, I knew that I wanted this blog to be a space where through my sharing of myself; others would be informed, inspired and encouraged to spread the information.  While I continue to aim and hope that something of true value is taken away after reading something that I have shared, it is the readers that have blessed me beyond anything that I could have thought.

Almost two years later, this blog has led me to places that I wasn’t even aware that I wanted to be. Having connected with some fascinating and accomplished people who are both leading and at the forefront of some amazing bodies of work. I’ve been blessed to travel, attend events, and partner with some of the most committed change agents and influencers that I’ve been educated and inspired to stretched way beyond my personal and professional levels of comfort.

Even through my insecurities of not feeling supported, wondering whether I was good enough and questioning if people were even bothering to read my material, I’m still here.  Despite allowing the self-doubt to get the best of me at times, I continue to grow my brand and encourage others #spreadlovetheBKway through various platforms.

Staying surrounded by visionary and successful leaders has been beyond instrumental throughout this journey. Changing some of my circles and connecting with like minds have made a world of a difference. Now don’t get me wrong, I am real clear that despite success, everyone has experienced their  fair share of ups and downs and have a story therefor; I try not to get so caught up with outward appearances.  However; with that said, often when I attend events, everyone seems so put together and focused. At times it feels as if theirs a lot of preaching to the choir and everyone is presenting their best selves.  I’m often left wondering, if the presentation and/or resources could just get to a most vulnerable sister, so much good could manifest and have an extensive impact on the even larger community.

There are many unsung heroes; women who may not be household names and/or popular by mainstream media or even twitter standards however; they are on the ground doing Gods work to better the lives of those who are often forgotten. Being transparent and using their own stories to uplift women in our community. Sisters of Sankofa which is a non-profit organization,  is hosting ‘Despite Adversities – She Overcomes’, a Women’s Empowerment & Wellness event that I am so proud to be both a Sponsor and Workshop Facilitator for this Saturday, August 22nd, from 9am – 3pm.

It has been through the significance of Sankofa that I am constantly reminded of why this blog began, and that was to find small ways to make a huge difference as the ancestors paved the way before me.  You don’t have to have the most followers or know the most popular and connected people.  We have all been given a divine assignment to live out our purpose right where we are in our very own community.  We come from a rich history of way makers and I am ever so excited to see how seeds will be planted and lives transformed during the event.

Although tickets are required, this event has been made free to low-income women due to the generous sponsors and those that were willing to pay for a VIP ticket.

I don’t know about you but I am clear that #SheOvercomes

Share your story in the comment section; hope to see you Saturday, Spread Love the BrooKlyn Kisha Way!




Not a "Mommy Blogger" but a Mom that Blogs!


  1. Tasha

    Thursday, August 20, 2015 at 12:18 pm

    Best of Luck 🙏🙌
    I wish I was able to attend.

  2. Sara Jai

    Thursday, August 20, 2015 at 2:05 pm

    I love this! Thank you for reinstating me! 💜💜💜

    • Sara Jai

      Thursday, August 20, 2015 at 2:06 pm

      Re inspiring 😄😄😄

  3. Phoenicia

    Friday, August 21, 2015 at 7:47 am

    Amazing article! Your writing style is on point!

    I resonate with so much of what you have written. Wondering if you are too small fry to mingle with the “big boys”, if people actually recognise you as a blogger, comparing yourself to established bloggers and so on.

    I have always had a love for reading and writing. I wrote poems in my teens/early twenties and worked as Junior Editor for The Gleaner (Jamaican newspaper, London office). Then I stopped.

    Years down the line I felt led to start a blog. I had no idea what the focus would be so started a mother’s blog. I later realised that I wanted to appeal to the mass so created a new blog with WordPress in May 2015 and here I am today!

    I have joined several LinkedIn forums and am networking like crazy (absolutely love this aspect!)

    Like you I believe we each have a purpose and I intend to fulfil mine. I am a Christian and bring elements of my writing skills to church ministry.

    Thank you for sharing your story and I look forward to networking with you in the future.

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