The Knockout Game, Really?

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I am extremely disturbed by the violence plaguing our communities.  What is with these extreme acts of hostility among our youth?  It seems to me that ever since the resurgence of the gangs in the 1990’s here in NYC, we have seen an significant increase in this extreme violent behavior.

As a society, have we developed an immunity to this violence?  Where is the outrage? Have we forgotten that it could be us or our children that could fall victim to The Knockout Game, Really?

Maybe these are all rhetorical questions and then again, maybe we (the community at large) need to actually answer them and take some responsibility for doing something about it.

We all can do something about this

We all can do something about this


Spread Love, It’s the BrooKlyn Kisha Way


Please use discretion in viewing this video with a minor (VIOLENT & DISTURBING CONTENT)



Not a "Mommy Blogger" but a Mom that Blogs!

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