To Friend or Not to Friend?

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It’s likely that just as I have, you’ve also heard countless times from women that they don’t have female friends.  The usual explanation  is something along the lines of either they get along better with guys or that females indulge in too much drama.  Some males dispute that it’s not really possible to have pure platonic friendships with women that are not initiated by some form of attraction even if it never matures into anything more.

If we thought about it enough, I think we all could admit to having had a not so good experience at the hands of a friend which may be the underlying reason for the skepticism.  In fact, you may have your own theory on the extent of male/female friendships. To Friend or Not to Friend?

No matter your take on the nature of male/female friendships, there is a unique distinction in female friendships.  I’ve read countless articles on the nature of female friendship circles, observed the attitudes and behaviors of  both: women who don’t have close female relationships and women that value and look at those connections as critical.  These sister circles come in all shapes and sizes which could be family members, old friends and/or new acquaintances that grow close like you’ve known each other forever.

What I’ve grown to learn is that as you mature, friend is a term that’s not taken (Facebook) lightly or taken for granted.  The characteristics that you seek in a friend;  you should actually possess as a friend. There is a spiritual connectedness that is developed based on a mutual respect that takes open communication and honesty to maintain; some think it’s worth it and some don’t.    As lives get busy with relationships and family,  it doesn’t matter whether you connect once a week or once year, that relationship is just as important.  People grow and relationships will change however; until you experience the love and support of true friendship, you miss out on part of what I consider a special blessing.

I’ve spoken with women that admit not feeling like they needed friends therefore; didn’t established meaningful friendships until well into their adulthood. Interestingly, they were also able to explicitly acknowledged and describe the difference it made in their lives.  Knowing that you have someone(s) to call on, cry on, pray on no matter what; is life-changing.

Never stop growing to be God’s best you as I believe when that is your focus, everything and everyone else will fall into place.


What’s your “friend” criteria? Do you have a ride or die? Maybe some go-to associates on an as needed basis? Do you consider your partner your friend? Is there a conversation or apology that’s over due? What’s your take?

Spread Love the BrooKlyn Kisha Way!

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