Twas the Nightmare of the NYC High School Process

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It all begin here......

It all begins here……

Been there done that, and I have just about a PHD in the daunting  NYC High School process.

A product of the NYC public school system from 1st to 12th grade, for the life of me I cannot say that I recall my search coming remotely close to what it is today. It’s like something I cannot even put into words in terms of the most chaotic, stressful and highly pressured processes that simply just should not be but; it is what it is.

Although all my children attend private schools, there are many quality public schools to consider when deciding on your child’s college preparatory experience therefore; don’t rule out public schools or be discouraged by the process which could be both overwhelming and intimidating.  To defeat that beast of a NYC bureaucracy, you must prepare, prepare prepare!

If you’re a parent, relative, educator, or mentor you want to share, repost and become really familiar with this information.

Beginning in the sixth grade: 

  • you need to, get-to-know the H.S guide.

Seventh grade:

  • you may even want to attend the citywide high school fair held in September in Brooklyn to get a feel for what’s to come
  • ensure that your child remains on top of their grades (as this is the report card schools will see when they apply during 8th grade)
  • begin the conversation with your child about potential areas of study.  

Summer of the rising eighth grade year:

  • you should have at minimum, your top 10 list of schools of real interest
  • either hire a tutor or enroll your child in some form of a study class for the test for specialized high school exam that will take place in the coming fall.   

Eighth grade:

  • create a timeline and/or calendar of key dates and dealines at the end of August or beginning of September
  • attend high school fair/open houses/school tours & information sessions
  • submit the high school application 

It may all seem like a lot, however; the more educated you are about the process on the front end; the less stressed you will be when its time to hit the ground running.  Come September,  I will have a high school senior and an eighth and fifth grader therefore; I’m only advising you based on what I’ve already experienced and will be currently working through myself.

This is not only for the people directly involved with youth but for any caring adult that wants to support a young person in one of the most important decisions that they will make.  NYC Children’s Services offers one of the most thoughtful volunteer opportunities called High School Goal weekend.  During the weekend of the citywide fair, ACS recruits adult volunteers to assist a foster child by walking them through the fair and the overall process.

Below are the most important “must have” links that will assist you in getting started on the Nightmare of the NYC High School process.   Spread Love, It’s the BrooKlyn Kisha Way!

2016 NYC High School Directory

2015-2016 Specialized High School Student Handbook

ACS High School Goal Weekend

Best Public High Schools in New York

FREE Specialized High School Admissions Test (SHSAT) Diagnostic Testing & High School Admission Seminar (July 2015 dates)

If you have any helpful links and/or tips on navigating the process, remember sharing is caring.  Have any questions about the high school process in more detail; leave a comment and I will do my best to provide that information for you.



Not a "Mommy Blogger" but a Mom that Blogs!

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