Where’s The Balance In That?
As I come to the end of my birthday weekend, I know that I am blessed and that the celebration is not quite over. You see as a mom, so much of my time is dedicated to my children and their lives that many of the things that I want to do for myself have to take a back seat. Even when I make plans, they’re still tentative depending how mommy duty calls. Some may ask: Where’s the balance in that? Well, you’ll all learn how to manage overall in future post, but this one is related to, oh sweet October and how this is my MONTH!
The kids often ask, “how come you get to celebrate for the whole month” and I tell them that I’ve earned the right to celebrate for the month as the mommy and that my dear, is the balance!
So here’s how I own October:
I have quite a few friends that are also October babies and I make sure that I get together with them. As a family we have our annual apple picking outing which for the last few years, I’ve added in a trip to the winery where there are activities for the entire family and I can make my holiday purchases. Every year the Circle of Sisters event is in October and I do my absolute best to attend (even if it’s by myself), for the needed me-time and shopping. Some plans fall through as they did this month but lucky for me, I’m never at a lost on how to find things to do. This year October was extra special because I started a new job, launched my blog and had my 1st mammogram, in between all the other service efforts that I am involved in.
Then there is the actual birthday:
-which was this past Friday. I went to work and like every other Friday, I had to take my daughter to Girl Scouts while my oldest son had community service and usually needs a lift home. I did manage to sneak in a manicure before picking them up and heading home to a family game night at the suggestion of the eight year old (I’m sorry whose birthday is it?). Of course we had a great time but I’m just saying! Now we head into Saturday, late of course because we all over slept. The little guy has soccer, I have a parent meeting while my daughter has a costume party at her Saturday program and my big guy has to get to the Brotha 2 Brotha Youth Summit from 9am-8pm. Again I had to sneak in a solo brunch while I waited for my daughter to finish. We dash home to have to get back to Chelsea for an ice skating event with their ice skating school for 7pm. My plans for Friday was to go to the Freedom Party and on Saturday, a Girls Night Out after a day trip to the Strawberry, Chocolate and Wine Festival. Today is Sunday and that goes without question what we’re up to.
So you see, a month-long celebration it is and if it spills into November; so what! That’s the Balance and I’ve earned it and you have too!
Where and how do you find your balance?
For ideas on things to do, click on the hyperlinks above.
At a lost on finding things to do, I’m your girl so let me know!
Sheryl Davis - Cornick
Sunday, October 27, 2013 at 12:59 pm
Balance? Never really thought about it,mmmmm lets see, I ran the streets so much before the children that I don’t miss it. I am fortunate that my husband settled down along with me an our days are filled with children and family, me in Church, outings alone are usually spontaneous.
I guess I don’t have Balance,thanks Kisha I better figure this one out! Lmbo
Alethia W-C
Sunday, October 27, 2013 at 2:20 pm
Love the post! Thanks to you, I had my first mamo this month too. I had a bit of a scare, but all is well in the world, thank God.
I too, suffer from the Finding My Balance syndrome. Even as I leave this reply, my 18 month old is running around me, pulling on my leg trying to get my attention. And with that, I’ll keep the reply short and sweet -mommy duty calls. Keep the posts flowing!
Sunday, October 27, 2013 at 8:20 pm
Good work Mommie!! A mother’s job is never finished. It begins again once they hit adulthood!! Lol
Sunday, October 27, 2013 at 8:41 pm
The balance is indeed difficult, especially since actually enjoy parenting and seeing our children happy. Self care is just as important so that we are giving them our best selves so be sure to steal a bit of time to spend with the pre-children, adult you.
Thank you ladies for your feedback and check out these sites for tips!
Monday, October 28, 2013 at 9:43 pm
Very nicewe can all learn how 2get a lil me time frm this message. like u said if it goes over whateva celebrate until ur ready 2end . Don’t let a clock run ur life.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013 at 1:32 am
Shamaine…words to live by, thanks!