Why Did You Go Natural?

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After having numerous conversations with other natural women, it becomes rather interesting when we get to this topic.  The reason sisters return to their natural mane fall among a wide range of response such as; dating someone natural, hair loss, spiritual journey, harmful effects of chemical use and lifestyle changes all to name a few.  I’ve often experienced respectful debates ensue as some view it as a hairstyle while others look at as a lifestyle.

I think we all have our, why I remained, transitioned to, am currently or considering natural hair story.  Why Did You Go Natural?

As for me, many of you know I was natural in the past however; decided to take this journey again as a result of my 11-year-old daughter.  She is the only black girl in her school and we all know how middle school can me.  She started inquiring about straight, permed hair and how her friends were wearing their hair.  As a mom, I’m always encouraging her to embrace her natural hair and to love the diversity of her hair and all of the self edifying things we say to our daughters.  Then she says the simplest of things: “your hair is permed”With that said, my natural hair journey began with my girl being my hairspiration. 

I read an article recently on BlackFeminist.org entitled, Black Hair Today: Does Being Natural or Not Mean Something?.  The article talked about the idea of policing black women’s hair whether natural all processed.

As sisters, we need to affirm one another and support each other in being our individual authentic selves, regardless of how one chooses to rock her hair.

Share your hair story, someone will be inspired!  Spread Love, It’s the BrooKlyn Kisha Way!

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Not a "Mommy Blogger" but a Mom that Blogs!

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  1. Pingback: Why “Team Natural” Has a Social Responsibility! – BK Kisha

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