Workplace Politics……

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As we close out the 1st full work week of the year, I’m confident that we are all still motivated and excited about accomplishing new goals for 2014.  In a previous post I mentioned the importance of having a stand out resume. This time around I want to highlight the inevitable topic of Workplace Politics.

Workplace politics can be and often times the determining factor in whether or not one advances within a company/organization.  There are always written policies and procedures that function as the guidelines of the company/organization.  Then there is the culture which speaks to how things actually operationalized and get done. That encompasses the whose who in some instances, regardless of titles.

Failing to identify and understand the workplace politics and the impact it has on the culture of the organization will heavily determine how successful you will be.  This does not mean selling out or doing things that go against your own moral values it simply means understanding relationships/activities and strategically aligning yourself with the right people, projects and opportunities.

I have also have to be completely honest, there may come a time that you have to make the decision to leave an organization.  Being able to assess that situation is just as important to your growth, big and small.

We’ve all made professional mistakes, lets learn from them!  Spread Love It’s the BrooKlyn, Kisha Way!

Know better, then DO better!

Know better, then DO better!




Not a "Mommy Blogger" but a Mom that Blogs!

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