You Can Still Get Your Best Christmas Tree Yet; Better Late Than Never! 

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Can you believe that it’s nearly Christmas already? I don’t know about you, but this holiday season has snuck up on me like never before.  To say that time is flying doesn’t even convey the magnitude of how it literally feels like Halloween was just the other day. I guess to some extent, I’ve been operating on auto pilot with all of my mommy duties associated with have a High School senior, a middle school senior and an elementary school senior all at the same time. Between applications, open houses and interviews, everything has been a blur. Having finally hit the last submit button, reality has mowed me over and I need to hit the ground running to plan for our 2015 holiday season. 

 If you can relate to how I’m feeling, it’s also a possibility that you haven’t gotten your Christmas tree either. Although for the last few years I have intentionally shifted gears for my family in terms of the commercialism of holidays, we still have our traditions that we enjoy participating in together. 

It’s probably safe to say, with Thanksgiving weekend long gone, we’ve missed our annual day trip to a New York / New Jersey tree farm to cut down our Christmas tree. However, that doesn’t mean that its a complete bust for us, nor does it have to be for you either. If you’re still trying to figure out your weekend plans, be sure to carve out some tree time

After all, “It’s Better Late Than Never”!   Spread Love, It’s the BrooKlyn Kisha Way! 



Not a "Mommy Blogger" but a Mom that Blogs!

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